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Port Congestion in the USA: 49% of shipments fail to reach on time in Los Angeles (USLAX), data depicts port delay

Los Angeles has been experiencing an increase in port congestion. As a result, the container delay at LAX port has increased to 5 days. Based on the port delays data by GoComet, this bottleneck seems to increase in the future in correspondence to other delays at major seaports in the USA.

Current data trend for port congestion at Los Angeles Port

Port Congestion in USA data by GoComet recorded a delay of 3 days at USLAX on 01 August 2022. As of 08 August, the reported number of days increased to 5 days. Also, 49% of the shipment are failing to arrive at USLAX, as recorded by the Sailing Schedule data on major ports by GoComet. 
