[Case study]

Automated RFQ Management Saves Costs

and Efforts for Top Petroleum Products’ Distributors


Geography: Global
Module: GoProcure and GoInvoice


Motul Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is a petroleum products distributor leading the way in high-performance lubricants and industrial solutions, recognized for its cutting-edge technology and commitment to excellence.

The Challenge

In the absence of a freight quotation management system, Motul faced challenges, such as tiring manual procurement processes and errors & delays due to human oversight. They were looking for an automated solution to streamline their procurement processes, offering complete transparency and enhanced control.


  • Improved visibility and measurable benefits were achieved through clear and user-friendly dashboards and comprehensive monthly reports
  • Automation of vendor quote collection and AI-powered invoice matching streamlined Motul’s operations
  • Costs reduced significantly, with monthly freight cost reductions of 5% to 8%


Our integration of GoProcure into Motul’s existing systems has been a resounding success. By streamlining their freight negotiation process, we’ve helped Motul achieve tangible cost savings. With improved visibility and efficiency, Motul now experiences significant monthly reductions in freight costs, alongside smoother operations.

Company Overview

Motul Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, headquartered in Singapore, isn’t just another distributor. It embodies Motul’s legacy of innovation. With a penchant for pushing boundaries, this French company introduced the industry-changing Century 2100, the first semi-synthetic oil, in 1966.


In the absence of a freight quotation management system faced multiple challenges:


Motul faced increasing costs and inefficiencies in manually handling freight quotations, prompting them to seek an automated solution. They aimed to streamline procurement processes while ensuring transparency and control over freight quotation management.

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Solution: GoProcure – Streamlining Freight Procurement with Ease

GoProcure is a user-friendly enterprise software solution designed to simplify the freight negotiation process. Seamlessly integrating with existing systems, it’s the gateway to finding the best freight deals effortlessly. Here’s how Motul benefited from GoComet’s GoProcure Enterprise Software for Freight Negotiation module:

Smooth Integration and Change Management:

Embracing change can be daunting for companies, especially when adopting new technology. We at GoComet, partnering with Motul, worked together to seamlessly integrate our solution into their operations. Through active listening and proactive change management, we facilitated a smooth transition, understanding the pivotal role it plays in successful software implementation.

Gamification of the procurement process:

Motul praised a unique feature they found particularly appealing: our platform’s vendor ranking system. We’ve gamified this aspect by assigning ranks (such as one, two, three, etc.) to vendors, fostering healthy competition among them. It removes the animosity of how much to negotiate amongst the customers, allowing vendors to vie for the top rank by outbidding each other. This feature not only saves Motul time and effort but also frees up resources for other crucial tasks.

Improved Visibility and Measurable Benefits:

Motul emphasized the importance of clear dashboards for tracking queries and key performance indicators (KPIs) to effectively evaluate the tool’s performance. GoComet consistently provides detailed monthly reports showcasing tangible cost savings ranging from 5% to 8%, along with other benefits such as saved time and effort. Through eliminating the need to chase vendors for renegotiation and actively negotiating lower quotes, the platform efficiently streamlines procurement processes for Motul.

Mr. Sanjeev Wangoo, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Motul

Significant Impact on Operations:

While Motul was approached by a couple of other platforms, Motul found GoComet’s ease of operations to be a standout feature, influencing their decision. Our platform transformed Motul’s operations by automating vendor quote collection, eliminating the need for manual follow-ups, and saving valuable time and effort. Leveraging AI-powered invoice matching, we further improved efficiency by reducing manual work and errors in invoice processing, streamlining the payment processes. Accompanying it was effective local support, which ensured seamless operations and was an added benefit that made Motul choose GoComet over other service providers.

Effective Support Mechanism:

Motul’s decision to choose GoComet over competitors was also influenced by our strong support system. Motul praised our support team for their attentive listening, thorough grasp of Motul’s challenges, and their ability to craft customized solutions. Our platform showcased agility in addressing issues swiftly, with a dedication to resolving all operational concerns within a 24-hour timeframe, aligning with our service-level agreements.

Reduced Costs

Through automation-driven vendor negotiations, our system effectively drove down costs for Motul. Demonstrating tangible results, GoComet consistently delivered monthly freight cost reductions of 5% to 8%, directly contributing to significant financial savings for our client.

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“A fair promise made, and a fair promise delivered.”

Mr. Sanjeev Wangoo

Chief Supply Chain Officer, Motul

Do You Wish to Achieve Similar Results?

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