
West Coast dockworkers’ lunch break strike has halted operations at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

The Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union are negotiating a new contract, but the failure to stagger lunch breaks has halted operations at the twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The Pacific Maritime Association accused the union of causing “significant delays” by violating lunch break agreements. The union denies the allegations, claiming that dockworkers are following their agreements with the PMA. This disruption comes as cargo volumes at Southern California ports have dropped dramatically.

Source of information – Port technology



  1. As someone who works in the logistics industry, I know firsthand how vital the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are to the global supply chain. It’s frustrating to see operations disrupted due to a dispute over lunch breaks. 

  2. Its so disappointing for businesses and consumers who rely on the ports for the timely delivery. Can’t believe such issues are causing major delays for us. I hope they can quickly come to a resolution and restore normal operations.

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