7 important questions to ask before purchasing a container tracking solution

The unprecedented impact of the ongoing pandemic has made it clear that global supply chains are only as strong as their weakest link, i.e. visibility. It has become more imperative than ever to adopt a system that enables real-time container tracking. Any efficient and real-time container tracking solution provides extensive monitoring capabilities via a single dashboard. Get live updates and alerts on the movement of your freight, which serves to effectively eliminate the need for manual tracking. 

Who does not want to experience end-to-end visibility on all their shipments in real-time? 

Choosing the right container tracking software can be a daunting task, especially with the numerous options available in the market. But taking the time out to do your due diligence on each solution and asking the right questions before evaluating and assessing whether the selected container tracking application is the right fit for your company will prove very fruitful.

To identify the best-suited container tracking system that is perfectly aligned with your company’s requirements and also, one that provides the best return on investment in the long run, here are a few questions that you may want to keep in mind before purchasing any such software.

Questions to ask before investing in real-time container tracking software

  1. Is the container tracking solution meeting your business requirements?

There is no point in settling for a system that does not understand your business. It is very important to select a container tracking system that provides real-time information and is well-equipped to deal with any challenge that comes its way. Your company’s needs will not be the same as that of another company’s and your chosen solution must be compatible with that.

  1. Is the application user-friendly?

If the real-time container tracking system has a complex user interface, it might do more harm than good. Extensive training should not be required for employees to make use of this software. It is vital to make sure that the solution that you choose should be easy to use for any kind of user.

  1. In terms of cost and scope, how scalable is the application?

One of the major requirements of any cloud-based application is scalability. The usefulness of a solution is decreased by nearly half if it cannot be scaled up to meet the changing needs of your business. Any robust container tracking solution needs to offer flexible payment options and provide support to add additional features as and when required.

  1. Is the container tracking solution accessible from any device?

For all kinds of users to effectively make use of the container tracking solution, it needs to be compatible with different devices. Ranging from rugged handheld devices to portable smartphones, easy accessibility needs to be ensured by the software across any device. In case your company is offering options like bring your own device (BYOD), then the container tracking application should be easily integrated with the employee’s device.

  1. Will the software be able to provide timely alerts about the status of your container?

Most real-time container tracking solutions provide information about the location of your container but fail to mention the exact status of your container, which is equally important. For instance, your container might be located at the port but not gated in, which means a delayed departure. Conveying this information to the logistics manager is vital to avoid further miscommunication.

  1. How customizable is the solution?

A solution that offers any degree of customization is always superior to one that is rigid in its functionality. Tailoring the tracking software to your company’s needs and use cases is a necessary feature to have because not all freight companies possess the same set of problems that need to be solved. This will also save you a considerable amount of money and works precisely in the way that you desire.

  1. How easily can I integrate the container tracking solution with the existing applications?

Your selected solution must not result in workarounds or manual integrations due to its inability to easily integrate with your existing applications. Needless to say, seamless integration of the container tracking software with the other systems in the existing workflow will improve your company’s productivity and profitability.

Choose wisely!

Be sure to ask the right questions and make an informed decision because it will directly impact your business performance. To learn about how GoComet’s integrated supply chain and logistics management software can help you streamline operations with improved visibility, efficiency and productivity while driving significant cost savings, reach us here.